
Codwearc Netbook
Poetics in Relation to Glitch, Noise and the Grotesque

Caudweorc succeeds, inverts and reinvents codework with a retrogressive influence from cyberfeminism, tactical media and consumerist aesthetics. As a mutational, parasitic non-category, cadwerc is the non-innovative user world or 2.0 banality, and its conflation with lived space. Your mediated world can only be predicated by breakdown.

M a s e r (Miron Tee)

kth4set (Katherine Sultan Erminy)

Selected Abstractions (Lanny Quarles)

errorimage (Jeremy Height)

jimpunk.net (jimpunk)

The Ragged God (Lewis Lacook with Michael Kapalin)

myrtilles texts (Lucille Calmel)

noirigami (Adele Onji)

H A U N T I N G S (doll yoko)

Landwave Series (Talan Memmot)

Semtexts (geniwate)

The Body Politic (Jennifer Ley)

ACNLRYS #8877 (Miyö Van Stenis)

Abstract Renders (Deanna Havas)

Selected Works (lo_y)