Cloud Makers and Open Tech


Cloud Makers: those makers engaged in the virtual software world, creating images, videos, internet pieces. Open Tech: a transparent use of technology inspired by the open source, hardware and science movements. Open Exhibition: a gallery format where technology (ie. a laptop and projector) is set up in a location, and artists can show up on the exhibition day (ie. with a flash drive or a website in mind) to display their work.

This show is part of the MakerLabs opening and hopes to contribute to the event and movement in at least two ways. The first is to provide a notion of a virtual maker to the maker movement at large. The second is to suggest an open way of exhibition that complements maker ideals. Hopefully this can begin to bring artists such as those on the internet, and artists without much means into dialog with maker and hacker culture. This isn't just about finding new ways of exhibiting, about legitimating new art forms. It's about bringing creative practices in conversation with science and its technologies, about suggesting that not only does an interdisciplinary approach have crucial things to say about science and tech, but can propose novel ways of doing so.

The Open Exhibition is a reusable format that merely requires:

1. equipment to be set up in a space (ie. laptop, projector, screen, mouse/plinth)
2. anyone to show up and exhibit on it (via flash drives, web links).

Event Link